Fact Finder

These statistics relate to student accommodation in Galway-Mayo and the surrounding area that has been advertised on Studentpad

Statistics Overview

Total Properties:


Total Active Adverts:


Total Rooms:


Rooms Available:


Note: Statistics below are based on total adverts and are taken once daily. [Last Update: 11/12/2024 @ 0:28:39].

Agents/Landlords Currently Advertising
Last Update: 11/12/2024 @ 0:28:39

ReferenceName / Company
GMTL415Ms Martina Acton
GMTL752Ms Nicola Beattie
GMTL741Mrs Anna Marie Bernard
GMTL821Ms Catherine Boland
GMTL930Miss Betty Brennan
GMTL463Ms Bridgette Brew
GMTL44Miss Michelle Britton
GMTL273Ms Anna Browne
GMTL889Ms Caroline Carey
GMTL129Ms Una Carroll
GMTL946Miss Donna Coffey
GMTL770Ms Gill Collins
GMTL856Mrs Mona Concannon
GMTL514Mrs Mary Concar
GMTL766Mrs Neasa Connolly
GMTL699Mrs Neasa Connolly
GMTL935Mr Martin Connor
GMTL987Mrs Teresa Connor
GMTL624Ms Ailish Conway
GMTL352Mr mrs corcoran Kevin and leona Corcoran
GMTL645Mrs Mary Costello
GMTL426Mrs Natalia Cottone
GMTL870Mr Sean Cumiskey
GMTL812Ms Dervilla D'Arcy
GMTL840Ms Marie Davitt
GMTL915Mr James Davorern
GMTL138ms Evelyn Devlin
GMTL820Ms Nano Dodd
GMTL400Mrs Eileen Donoghue
GMTL926Miss Theresa Donoghue
GMTL419Mrs Dympna Fahy
GMTL938Mrs Breda Finnerty
GMTL896Mr Malachy Flaherty
GMTL534Ms Ann Flannery
GMTL859Mrs Maura Frain
GMTL882Mrs asumpta gallagher
GMTL803Mrs Mary Grealish
GMTL914Mr Aidan Grimes
GMTL828Mr Mike grufferty
GMTL171Ms Helena H
GMTL61Miss Michelle Halpin
GMTL785Mr David Halpin
GMTL718Ms Dorothy Hanley
GMTL253Mrs Sharon Heanue
GMTL924Mrs Sandra Hegarty
GMTL917Mr Colm Hegarty
GMTL867Mrs Monica Hession
GMTL937ms jackie holian
GMTL198Mrs Catherine Holland
GMTL951Mr Gerry Hynes
GMTL263Ms Paula Joyce
GMTL716Ms Catherine Joyce
GMTL365Ms Sarah Keane
GMTL771Ms Margaret Kearns
GMTL398Ms Noirin Kelly Moran
GMTL535Ms Frances Kenny
GMTL967Ms Loretta Kenny
GMTL671Mr Stephen Kerins
GMTL871Mr. Joseph Kilkenny
GMTL919Mrs Mary Kilroy
GMTL901 Caroline King
GMTL304Ms Mary L
GMTL921 Mary L
GMTL831Ms Ciara Lawless
GMTL834Ms Fidelma Loftus
GMTL636Miss Dympna Lynch
GMTL983Ms Clare Lyons
GMTL800Mrs Maude Mahony
GMTL747Mrs Caroline Malone
GMTL872Mrs Angelina Mangan
GMTL753Ms. Sheila McArdle
GMTL676Ms Caroline McCadden
GMTL783Mrs Paula McHale
GMTL952 Ruth McSweeney
GMTL64 Lucy Mullen
GMTL841Miss Therese Mulligan
GMTL954Mrs Mary Mulryan
GMTL507Miss Amanda Murray
GMTL933Ms Lorraine Naughton
GMTL880Mrs Patricia Newell
GMTL977Ms Aine Ni Fhrile
GMTL940Mr Michael O Connor
GMTL887Mrs Louise O Driscoll
GMTL694Mr. Diarmaid O Riordan
GMTL966Mr Eamonn OConnor
GMTL972 Shane O'Connor
GMTL796Ms Aoife O'Connor
GMTL134Mr DC O'Dubhaigh
GMTL768Mrs Sally Quinn
GMTL823Mrs Margaret Reddington
GMTL939Ms Helena Reidy
GMTL886Mrs Marie Reilly
GMTL931Mr John Reynolds
GMTL877Mrs Mary Rpdgers
GMTL907Ms Assumpta Ruane
GMTL892Ms Andrea Ruane
GMTL899Mrs Mary Ryan
GMTL279 Eriton Santos
GMTL988Ms. Gini Savage
GMTL873Mr David Shaughnessy
GMTL804Mrs Sinead Sheridan
GMTL950Mrs Madeleine Shinnick
GMTL764 Aideen Smyth
GMTL261Snoozles Hostel Galway
GMTL958Mrs Annie Spellman
GMTL953Dr Marcin Uszynski
GMTL929Mrs Siobhan Walsh
GMTL540mr Tom Walsh
GMTL790MRS Ger Walsh
GMTL970Ms Irene Whyte
GMTL912Ms Breege Wickham